Private entrepreneur -“Vyrny M.Y. “Entrepreneur, business entity, taxpayer ID number 3161318891 (hereinafter – Performer), acting on the basis of its own will and in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, Date and number of the record of inclusion in the Unified State Register of legal entities, physical persons and public formations – date, № 2 068 000 000000 025276 from 30. 01.01.2013 According to Art. 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, by means of the website (hereinafter – the Site), offers an unlimited number of individuals (hereinafter – Customer or Subscriber), to sign this contract for the provision of services (hereinafter – the Agreement) on terms and conditions below. The site provides information services by receiving and aggregating data from exchanges that are available to developers. The site does not provide price recommendations or forecasts. Decisions based on information from this site are made by the Client independently.
1.1 This Agreement is made between the Client and the Executor at the moment of registration on the service. The client confirms his agreement with the terms established by this Agreement by checking the part “I agree to the terms of the agreement” when registering on the site, or when making a payment through the site.
1.2 The Client can be any individual who is able to accept and pay for the ordered service in the manner and on the terms set in this Agreement.
1.3 The Executor reserves the right to change, add or delete paragraphs of this Agreement at any time without notice to the User.
1.4 Continued use of the Site by the User means acceptance of the Agreement and changes made to this Agreement.
2.1 The site collects, stores and processes the following personal data of the User: name, e-mail address. All of this information is necessary for the Site to provide services orders correctly. By placing an order on the site the Customer unconditionally and irrevocably gives his consent to any processing of his personal data, consent to storage of his personal data in the databases of the Site.
2.2 Personal information received from the Client is confidential. The Executor undertakes not to transfer it to the third parties, except the cases when data transfer is stipulated or not prohibited by the laws of Ukraine.
2.3 Processing and usage of the data base by the Site is made according to the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”.
2.4 Each Client has the right to access his personal data, the right to make corrections, as well as the right to demand the termination of data processing by the Site.
2.5 The Executor reserves the right to use the Users’ personal information for marketing purposes (analysis of data on the sales of services, website traffic analysis, electronic mailing, etc.).
3.1 The Executor has the right to:
3.1.1. Сhange the rules of use of the Site, as well as change the content of this Site. The changes shall come into force upon the publication of the new edition of the Agreement on the Website.
3.1.2. Restrict access to the Site in case of violation of the terms of this Agreement by the User.
3.1.3. Change the fees charged for the provision of services. Changes in fees will not apply to Users who have a subscription at the time of changing the amount of payment.
3.1.4. If any provision of section 3.3 is violated, cancel User’s subscription without refund.
3.2 User has the right to:
3.2.1. Gain access to use the Site after complying with the registration and payment requirements.
3.2.2 Use all available features on the Site, which include a subscription.
3.2.3. Ask any questions related to the Site services.
3.2.4. Receive compensation in the form of renewal of your subscription in case of inaccessibility or technical failures on the part of the Site.
3.3 The User is forbidden:
3.3.1 Make multi-accounts in order to use their own referral link under themselves.
3.3.2. Use the same account by multiple people and participate in folds.
3.3.3. Use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes to access, acquire, copy or monitor Site content.
3.3.4 By any means circumvent the navigational structure of the Site or attempt to obtain any information, documents or materials through any means not specifically provided by the services of this Site.
3.3.5. Unauthorized access to features of the Site, any other systems or networks related to this Site, and any services offered on the Site.
3.3.6. Violate the security or authentication system on the Site or any network related to the Site.
4.1 The site is not responsible for any damages (including moral damages, damages for loss of money (lost profits) arising from the use or inability to use this site.
4.2 Site Administration is not responsible for:
4.2.1. Delays or failures in the process of receiving information due to failures on the part of the exchanges, as well as any case of failure of telecommunications, computer, electrical and other related systems.
4.2.2 Actions of transfer systems, banks, payment systems and for delays connected with their work.
4.2.3. Proper functioning of Site, in case User does not have necessary technical means for its use, and also does not have any obligations to provide users with such means.
After ordering and paying for it, the Customer gives their full consent to be familiarized with the terms of the agreement of using the service. All requests for refunds are made in writing in electronic form and sent to
Client may claim a refund/reimbursement for unused services:
– Only up to the point that it has been rendered. That is, if payment has occurred, but the service has not yet been provided.
– Receive a refund in the form of an extension of the subscription, according to clause 3.2.4.
Refunds after the start of services are not made on any of the tariff plans.